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h2Acg: the new weight loss treatment
We're excited to offer the new h2Acg weight-loss program from Deseret Biologics! This exciting new program allows you to melt away as much as a pound a day without feeling stressed or hungry! It is crucial this program be adminstered by a licensed health practitioner to ensure you have properly detoxified to prepare. Other clinics may put you on a program that causes toxins to flood your bloodstream and damage key internal systems.

You know by now the benefits that come from using traditional hCG and its associated protocol. DesBio has developed a next-generation hCG by isolating and concentrating only the active portions of the hCG molecule.Our groundbreaking product, hA2cg Evolution, combines these latest scientifically developed ingredients with time-honored homeopathics to optimize and improve the effects of hCG. hA2cg Evolution, available exclusively from DesBio and only to practitioners, contains a patent-pending, dual-form of hCG at its purest, most concentrated, and most effective.

Scientists have known for some time that the hCG molecule is composed of two ribbons of amino acids, Ribbon A (92 amino chain groups) and Ribbon B (145 amino chain groups) [figure 1]. Only recently have they understood that only two small pieces of each ribbon are active [figure 2]. All the extraneous amino chain groups create the potential for a fuzzy and disjointed signal that reduces the effect of the traditional hCG molecule, creating a weaker biological response.

With the help of scientists and researchers, our team isolated the two small active amino chain groups (AACG) from the larger hCG molecule – creating a clear, concentrated and more powerful dual-form of hCG. We’ve named these patent-pending ingredients AACG-A (containing the chain group of 25 active amino acids from Ribbon A) and AACG-B (containing the chain group of 30 active amino acids from Ribbon B) [figure 3]. These one-of-a-kind ingredients improve on the traditionally used hCG molecule by:

  • Providing a more robust and powerful version of hCG
  • Extracting, concentrating, and delivering only the active, useful portions of hCG
  • Triggering a more effective response from the body by relaying a focused message from two compact and precise molecules (AACG-A and AACG-B)
  • Eliminating the need for the body to process the clumsy and less effective traditional hCG
  • Increasing the flexibility of the traditionally rigid hCG protocol and diet

    hA2cg Evolution combines these two patent-pending active amino chain groups in the most powerful hCG product ever created, heightening therapeutic effect, improving overall hCG protocol success, and sending the clearest, sharpest, most focused message to the brain.
    Using the new hCG active amino chain groups, AACG-A and AACG-B, included in hA2cg Evolution to support the hCG diet will:
  • Decrease the number of patients that experience issues related to hunger
  • Clarify the message to the brain to improve full diencephalon reset/fat burning
  • Reduce known side effects resulting from weak hCG signaling (weakness, energy loss, etc.)
  • Diminish plateaus and ineffective periods of weight loss during the protocol
  • Improve successful weight maintenance dramatically

    In addition to AACG-A and AACG-B, hA2cg Evolution contains the same 21 targeted and supportive homeopathic ingredients used in our hCG Professional Formula—that have proven their exceptional weight-loss support to over 50,000 patients following the hCG protocol.